"One of a Kind" Items

A collection of handmade jewelry for the person who wants something different.

To everybody out there, I apologize for not keeping my website updated.  I found I enjoyed making better than the administration side.  While staying at home during this COVID-19 pandemic, it is either cleaning my house or working on my website.  You see which one I chose.

My heartfelt prayers go out to anybody infected with this terrible disease or have love ones infected.  I count myself lucky by not being infected.  If I do develop any symptoms, I will NOT be completing any orders.  Any money paid will be refunded.  Until such time, it will be business as usual.

With so many people out of work during this crisis, people will not have the money to buy  jewelry.  If you really like a piece and can't afford it at this time, send me a message.  I will take that piece off the website and put it on hold for 90 days.  I only ask you to only do this if you are serious about purchasing the piece.  Pulling a piece from the website may prevent me from selling it to another person.  We can discuss it if you need more than 90 days.


Everybody please keep safe and healthy during this crisis.

Since it has been so long since I've updated the website, I improved by dividing the major categories (necklaces, bracelets, and sets) into subsets.  I know I get tired of scrolling page after page after page.  I assumed others would be like me.  The subsets will be based on the stringing material I use: wire, thread, chain, suede, or silk.

Please send me a message if you have any other improvements.